Thursday, 4 July 2019

Persuasive writing 2019

I found it challenging because i had to come up with lots of different ideas about how it is bad for the world. 
I know this is good because i did come up with lots of ideas.

Persuasive writing 
Do you know that Technology is bad for the earth?  There are many reasons why and I will share these with you.

Technology is bad for the earth because Cars need fuel and that is making Global warming even worse. The fuel that the cars need to use, can sometimes spread into the oceans of our world.  

 Technology is bad for the world because Technology makes plastic and that is polluting our oceans and our world. Plastic is getting in our ocean and is destroying our coral reef.   

Technology is bad because we use it to cut down our trees for paper.  We need trees because they provide oxygen for our world and they get rid of some bad things in the world. 

Please stop using plastic to save our earth!

By Milo