Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Sherbet Shock

The Exploding Sherbet
Today we made this sherbet that exploded in your mouth. The ingredients we used were Citric acid, Flavour, Icing sugar, paper bag, spoon and Popsicle stick. Once it was done we put it in our mouths and it exploded. When I first had it, it was such a surprise to me when it fizzed up in mouth.  You had to spit out though, if you swallowed it it would make your throat feel very weird. I made up a name for it after we had it, Sherbet shock because it gave me such a big shock when everyone first had it and it was sherbet.   But after me and Flynn felt sick because we had way to much of it and it had citric acid in it (well Flynn just ate citric acid on its own). Then it started to come back up my mouth which was disgusting. It wore off after a while though then it was pack up time for school singing.

The End