Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Kapa Haka

Kapa Haka Festival
First we had to get our Mokos on in the hall at school and the line was massive. Once you got your moko on you had to take a photo. You had to take your t-shirt off before you got a moko on so you don't smudge it. Then you had to get in a bus to go to the festival. I was a 20 min drive to get to the festival.

 While we waited we sang Tu mai ra. Then we headed to this tent which was right behind all the crowd. Then we got to watch all the wai syndicate in our school. After we watched them we went to get ready to go on stage. Then the crowd started cheering as we sang Tu mai ra. I felt happy because the real thing was happening. I was in the 5th row.

The 1st song was Tu mai ra, The 2nd song was Harae mai a paoa, The 3rd song was Ka pioioi. The 4th song was puri anei. the 5th song was utaina, The 6th song was Wainui kura haka. Then it was the haka which was Ka mate. I could see my family but it took awhile for me to spot them but when i did i felt happy. when we were doing the haka one of the actions was to bend but i didn't have too bend down so everyone could see me so it felt like i was in the front row. I was slapping my arms really hard they started to hurt but i kept going. After they were really red but the redness went away after a while.   Once all the boys had done the haka we sang wainui e. 

 Then we started to leave with the song E honore. After we finished we got to take photos with our family. Then after about half an hour we had to get back in our class lines to go on the bus to get back to school. Once we got back to school we got to play for an hour. Then we got to eat for 10 minutes. Once we were finished playing and eating it was about 2:00. Then we did some school work for an hour. Then the bell rang and it was home time finally the massive day ended.

Cross-country 2019

Cross-country 2019

Clap,clap and clap everyone was cheering while the kids (from Wainui Beach School) were sprinting. My mum said, "Go Milo!" In a proud voice. At the start I got to hold up the red ribbon for the end of the race, but they couldn't run and break through it we just had to let go when the 1st person came. But I only got to do it for 2 races because I was  a yr5 and the yr6 went first. The laps were so big but luckily there were only 2 of them. Straight after the race we all gotta eat/drink. At the end Kobe and I were sprinting as hard as we could, then we were really close but i just won. At little while later my Mum came up to me and said "well done Milo you were awesome out there!". A little while later we all had to do our house chants, the house colours were Blue,Yellow,Green and Red. The order of the years went yr6, yr5, yr0, yr1, yr2, yr3 and yr4. Everyone that was in mania (witch is green house) was cheering "go mania!". After a few more races we went back to school.
By Milo

Monday, 18 November 2019

marine reserve

I looked down from my mask and saw a massive crayfish. Then I realised it was a nest of them, there were tons of them. They were all behind lots of slimy seaweed.

I felt so excited when I saw all of them. When my group went with Joe he pulled back heaps of seaweed and we saw so many more crayfish.

After about 2 hours we all went back into shore, but we had all got bitten by little sandflies. We got to play for 2 hours then after that we came back to school. At that time everyone felt so good to get away from all the sandflies. But we still had lots of itchy bites as result.