In my school there is this thing called just dance. It’s where you copy dances off a youtube video. I’m pretty sure it’s like a video game that’s just been recorded but it’s still pretty fun. We do it every day after morning tea. But not on fridays because it's a discovery option.
You can do it in groups of 4, 3, 2 and 1. But only MLH (Moana learning hub) does it . When we get to the hall after morning tea they tell you how many people in a group. Then we pick our groups and start. It goes for about 20 to 30 minutes everyday. When we first started it we did silent reading first (silent reading is when you just read silently) but now we just go straight to it. When we first started to not silent read before we went to the hall I thought we only did it for 10 mins but then i realized we didn’t because morning tea ends at 11:50.
After a while I get pretty tired but I just keep going and take my jumpa off. You can also just take your shoes off but I like to just take my jumpa off. Then after just dance we come back into the classroom to do steps. So overall i quite like just dance and you should try it all you gotta do is search it up on youtube and copy the dancing.
By Milo