Thursday, 4 June 2020

Milos lockdown journey

 It all started on the 25th of march. That was when the lockdown started. So then all the schools had to start these google meets and do this online learning thing. It was way better than learning at school because instead of the whole day it was just a few hours of school work. But it was hard to not get distracted at home but I just got on with it.

I woke up at 8:00 to 9:00 o’clock and did my work. Every day we had to fill out this google form to tell how we were feeling and tell the teachers what time we were joining the google meets. The meets were at 10:00 or 2:00. At least that was the time at the start of lockdown then it changed to 10:30 or 2:00. I had mostly joined them at 10:30 but luckily you had to mute your mic while the teachers were talking, because otherwise my baby brother would have been too loud.

Then Coronavirus started to ease off and lockdown was almost over but it was still level 3 so school wasn't started yet. After a while it went down to level 2 and before I knew it school was starting back up again. Then it was my baby brother's birthday so i didn't go back to school on monday. But i went to school on Tuesday and it was finally back to normal.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Milo I liked how you knew what day lockdown started and ended. next time you should work better on punctuation. But in all honesty it was a great blog.


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